Have you participated in one or more remote training courses?
By "remote training" we mean training delivered online, either:
- live and interactive: where you can interact with the instructor and/or other participants; or
- on-demand: where you can take the course any time, at your own pace.
Which type of remote training have you participated in?
Please check all that apply.
What other types of remote training?
How do you currently buy remote training?
Please check all that apply.
What other buying options have you used?
In your opinion, which types of courses are more suitable for remote training, and which are more suitable for in-person?
Why did you answer this way?
Based on the needs of your organization, what types of courses/content do you foresee being needed the most during the next 12-24 months?
Please provide examples if you can think of some.
In terms of cost, in your opinion, should remote training be:
Why did you answer this way?